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Journal Articles

Modeling concrete deposition via 3D printing using reproducing kernel particle method

Published in Cement and Concrete Research, 2024

The quality and geometry conformity of 3D concrete printing are the two major concerns facing autonomous construction. To investigate the geometry of printed concrete and optimize the printing strategy, the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM) was developed and implemented for the first time to describe the flow of fresh concrete and simulate the process of 3D printing. The proposed novel numerical simulation method is associated with a Bingham constitutive model, which was determined by a rotational rheometer. Physical slump tests were performed at various resting times to investigate the time-dependent behavior of concrete. An experimental parametric study of the geometry of a single-layer printed concrete was also conducted at various printing speeds and nozzle heights. Multi-layer printing cases were performed to investigate the cross-sectional deformation over the printed layers. The simulated values of slump over time compared well with the experimental measurements. As such, the proposed RKPM ability to capture time-dependent concrete behavior has been validated. The simulations based on the initially verified RKPM method can yield precise geometry predictions of a single- and multi-layer printed concrete, proving a wide range of application scenarios of the novel RKPM modeling approach.

Recommended citation: Cheng, H., Radlińska, A., Hillman, M., Liu, F., & Wang, J. (2024). Modeling concrete deposition via 3D printing using reproducing kernel particle method. Cement and Concrete Research, 181, 107526.

Study on wind-induced response of a large-span roof by using finite particle method

Published in Structures, 2021

The wind-induced response analysis of large-span roof using finite particle method (FPM) is discussed in this paper. Based on vector mechanics, FPM is an intrinsic method to study responses of structures under dynamic excitation. It adopts separated particles that governed by Newton’s second law to describe structural behaviors, especially geometric nonlinearity. As the previous damping treatments in FPM are inadequate for studying the wind-induced responses of large-san roof, two enhanced treatments based on Rayleigh damping for approximatively estimating damping forces in the FPM are proposed and are verified through numerical pseudo-dynamic example. To study the wind-induced responses of a large-span roof, the wind-tunnel tests of pressure measurement are carried out to obtain time histories of wind loads on the large-span roof. The FPM is further employed to estimate wind-induced responses of the large-span roof. Wind-induced displacement and internal forces responses obtained by FPM are compared with results from finite element method (FEM). The results from FPM meet well with results from the FEM, which presents the capability of FPM to study the wind-induced responses of large-span roof.

Recommended citation: Wang, Q., Liu, F., & Yu, Y. (2021, December). Study on wind-induced response of a large-span roof by using finite particle method. In Structures (Vol. 34, pp. 3567-3582). Elsevier.

A coupled smoothed particle hydrodynamic and finite particle method: An efficient approach for fluid-solid interaction problems involving free-surface flow and solid failure

Published in Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2020

In this paper, an efficient numeric approach coupling smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) with finite particle method (FPM) for fluid-solid interaction (FSI) problems is proposed and discussed. SPH is used for modeling fluid domains because of its ability to simulate free-surface flow. FPM is used to model solid domains as discretized particles to address motion, deformation, fracture and contact. The treatments of reduction of rigid body motion in FPM achieve a high efficiency for very large deformation analysis. The coupled SPH with FPM has been developed for imposing boundary condition by employing virtual particles. The proposed scheme is validated by published benchmark examples, and the results demonstrates good agreement with experimental, numerical and analytical results. The results of simulation of FSI problems with solid failure also indicates that the coupled SPH and FPM is straightforward in concept, and efficient in modeling solid failure and FSI with free-surface flow, which is promising for addressing nonlinear, fracture and contact problems in FSI processes.

Recommended citation: Liu, F., Yu, Y., Wang, Q., & Luo, Y. (2020). A coupled smoothed particle hydrodynamic and finite particle method: An efficient approach for fluid-solid interaction problems involving free-surface flow and solid failure. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 118, 143-155.